Controlling Pests in Your Chimney

Pests need shelter from the wind, rain, snow, and sun, just like people. Ideally, these pests would take shelter in a hollow tree or a burrow outside, but sometimes, they take up residence in your chimney instead. Bats, birds, raccoons, squirrels, and yellow jackets are just some of the pests you might find living in your chimney. Pro-Staff, provider of preferred pest control in Des Moines, has some tips to avoid this situation.

Install a Chimney Cap

The opening of your chimney provides a convenient entry point for all kinds of pests; they can easily slip inside the opening and build a comfortable nest inside your chimney. To keep them out, install a chimney cap with mesh siding. This will still let smoke escape from your chimney but makes it harder for pests to come inside.

For best results, choose a heavy-duty stainless steel chimney cap. Strong animals, like raccoons, can get through caps made of aluminum, black steel, or other weaker materials.

Seal Holes in Your Chimney

Over time, the mortar that holds your chimney’s bricks together can weaken and crumble. This creates gaps that smaller pests, like bats, can slip through. To keep pests outside, have any damaged areas of your mortar repaired.

Close the Fireplace Damper

When your fireplace isn’t in use, warm air from your home flows up your chimney. This warmth can attract pests, like birds, that are looking for a cozy place to nest. To keep unwanted guests out, simply close your damper when your fireplace isn’t in use. This helps hold warm air in, so pests that are seeking shelter will need to go somewhere else.

Install a Fireplace Door

While having pests living in your chimney is bad enough, it’s worse if those pests manage to get into your house. To keep this from happening, install a fireplace door, and keep it closed when your fireplace isn’t in use.

Chimneys provide a perfect home for all kinds of pests. To keep them out, follow these tips. If you need more help, or if pests are already in your chimney, contact Pro-Staff, the preferred pest control in Des Moines.

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