What’s in a WDI Inspection?

If you’re buying or selling a home in Des Moines, you may need something called a “WDI inspection.” But what exactly is a WDI inspection, and why do you need one? Pro-Staff, providers of termite inspection in Des Moines, has the answers.

What  Is a WDI Inspections?

WDI stands for “wood destroying insect.” WDI inspections are done to determine if a home has a problem with these destructive pests. Termites are the obvious pest that the inspectors look for, and many people call a WDI inspection a termite inspection. However, termites aren’t the only destructive pest that can be identified during an inspection. Carpenter bees, carpenter ants, and wood boring beetles are other problematic wood-destroying bugs.

A WDI inspection will let you know if a home has any visible evidence of wood-destroying insects. If evidence is discovered, the inspection report will tell you exactly what that evidence is. It can be anything from live insects to signs of wood damage.

Why Is a WDI Inspection Important?

Real estate transactions can be frustrating, and many people mistakenly think of WDI inspections as just another nuisance in the process. However, WDI inspections are one of the most important parts of a real estate transaction. If you’re buying a home, this inspection will help you avoid any unpleasant surprises down the road. If you’re the seller, the inspection can give your buyer peace of mind and help close the deal.

The WDI Inspection Process

During a WDI inspection, a professional inspector will visually examine all the accessible parts of the home for signs of wood-destroying insects. They’ll carefully look for live insects, dead insects, and damage to the home. If any signs are found, they’ll be noted on the WDI inspection report. The inspector will also note their treatment recommendations, if any are necessary.

It’s a good idea to be there for the inspection. This lets you ask the inspector questions about their findings. If you don’t understand something, don’t be embarrassed to ask for clarification.

Wood-destroying insects, like termites, can cause a lot of trouble for homeowners. That’s why WDI inspections are so important. If you’re buying or selling a home, contact Pro-Staff for high-quality termite inspection in Des Moines.

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