What Makes a Mosquito Bite You?

It’s not in your imagination mosquitoes really do bite some people more than others. There are many factors that make certain people more attractive to mosquitoes. Pro-Staff, the experts at mosquito control in Des Moines, explain some of the reasons why mosquitoes love you so much.

Carbon Dioxide

Every time you exhale, you release carbon dioxide. This gas is what attracts mosquitoes. Some people produce more carbon dioxide than others, which can make them mosquito magnets. For example, pregnant women exhale a greater-than-normal amount of carbon dioxide. People also exhale more carbon dioxide during exercise.

Blood Type

Mosquitoes have been shown to prefer certain blood types over others. Most people secrete chemicals on their skin that identify their blood type, and mosquitoes can sense these chemicals. In one study, they landed on people with type O blood twice as often as people with type A blood.


Several studies have found that mosquitoes are attracted to beer drinkers. There are a couple reasons for this. When you drink beer, your skin gets warmer, and mosquitoes are attracted to the heat. The beverage also releases carbon dioxide bubbles.

Clothing Colors

Surprisingly, even your clothing colors can have an effect on mosquitoes. These biting pests are very visual, and they use their eyesight to hunt for people to bite. When you wear dark colors, like red, black, or navy blue, you stand out to mosquitoes. People who wear lighter colors aren’t as easy for mosquitoes to see.

How to Prevent Mosquito Bites

You can’t change your blood type or stop exhaling carbon dioxide, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to make yourself less of a mosquito magnet. To keep mosquitoes away, apply an insect repellent that contains DEET to your skin. For more protection, permethrin-containing insect repellants can be applied to clothing as well.

Reducing mosquito populations around your home can also be helpful. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so regularly remove water that’s collected in your yard. Flower pots, planters, buckets, trash cans, and grill covers are some areas that may be prone to collecting water.

Mosquito bites are a nuisance, especially when you’re being bitten more often than everyone else. For help with mosquito control in Des Moines, call the experts at Pro-Staff today.

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