5 Pest Control Myths

Everyone has to needs pest control Ankeny to keep unwanted insects and other pests from invading their property. Because of this, there are many myths when it comes to pest control. We can help you separate fact from fiction so that you can keep your home and business pest-free.

Myth: Pests Are Only There if You See Them

Many people believe that if you don’t see signs of pests or pests themselves, then they’re not there. Unfortunately, most signs that a pest has invaded your home can be easy to miss. Our houses have everything pests want, including clean water, food, and a nice place to hide. It’s nearly impossible for your home to be truly pest-free without some serious effort, including regularly checking it inch by inch.

Myth: Pests Only Live in Dirty Spots

There’s a common myth that pests love dirt, which sometimes extends into the idea that they only invade areas that are dirty. In reality, even the cleanest homes are attractive to vermin and insects. Some pests, like cockroaches, will eat nearly any organic matter, including fallen strands of hair. While keeping your home clean can limit the risk of pests, it’s still shelter and a potential food and water source.

Myth: No Food, No Pests

Many people mistakenly assume that if there is no food out, pests will go away. However, what we consider food and what pests consider food is very different. Take the aforementioned cockroaches  as an example; you cannot feasibly remove every single piece of organic matter from your home. Even when with traditional food sources, putting it away is not enough. Mice in lab settings only need 0.1 ounces of food each day, and they can get through incredibly tiny holes to reach it. Many pests can also last ages without a meal, with roaches lasting a month without eating.

Myth: Ultrasonic Sounds Will Drive Them Out

When it comes to evicting the pests, some people believe that ultrasonic sounds are a humane way to remove pests from their home. Unfortunately, any pest control expert will tell you that while pests likely hear these sounds, they don’t bother them at all, making ultrasonic sound machines ineffective.

Myth: Getting a Cat Works

Cats were initially domesticated to help with pest control, but that doesn’t mean that they’re good enough to get rid of and keep away all the pests you find. Remember that for a cat to keep a pest away, it must be able to get to the creature no matter where it is, and your cat definitely can’t get into your walls.

If you have any questions regarding pest control Ankeny, let our Pro-Staff team clear them up for you. In addition to providing pest control services, we ensure our clients understand why each service is necessary. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 to make an appointment and get a no-cost, no-obligation quote.

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