How To Bug-Proof Your House

There are a variety of reasons an insect may find your house inviting; after all, it tends to have food, shelter, and water. But there are ways to make your home seem less enticing to pests. Pro-Staff, your pest control Des Moines experts, want you to know the steps you can take to protect your home from tiny invaders. The fight against pests starts on two main fronts: the inside and outside.

Indoor Tips:

  • Screens: Cracking a window is nice, but not if your screen is broken —this becomes a great way to let in small bugs. Inspect any screens and windows regularly for tears or cracks.
  • Door sweeps and seals: Bugs don’t need much space to invade. While you might think the only time a bug can make it inside is when you open your door, a closed door still has space for pests to crawl in. By installing door sweeps and taking extra care to seal doors as solidly as possible, you place yourself a step ahead.
  • Leaks: What bugs are really looking for is water. Leaks, even tiny ones, can occur without your direct knowledge. Frequent, thorough inspections of water entry points are always recommended.

Outdoor Tips:

  • Clutter: Clutter provides insects with a nice, warm place to hide. A cluttered yard offers great cover for a variety of insects and can lead them right to your door.
  • Birds and Bats: These animals are on your side in the fight against pests. Both, particularly bats, consume enormous amounts of insects. Keeping your yard bat-friendly is also an eco-friendly way to keep your home pest-free!
  • Trash: There’s nothing more mouthwatering to pests than a pile of trash, which is why you should use a trash can designed to keep pests out of your garbage. Make sure to keep an eye on compost piles as well.

These are a few simple tips for pest control in Des Moines, but trust us, there’s so much more that can be done. For a free quote and inspection, call us at (515) 279-7378 anytime to find out what we can do for your home.

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