Keep Pests Out This Winter

With the first frost comes a mad dash of pests looking for someplace warm to survive the winter — and your home may just be the perfect place. Pro Staff, the West Des Moines pest control specialists, can help you keep pests in the cold this winter.

Food Storage

By storing your food in hard plastic, airtight containers, you can eliminate a potential food source. Make sure to do the dishes and wipe down your counters regularly — and don’t just brush those crumbs onto the floor! Cleaning up any crumbs can help keep any nuisance pests at bay.

Inspect Your Home

Seal any cracks and holes you find on the outside of your home. Not only will this help keep heat in, but it can also keep mice, cockroaches, and pests out. Check for any areas where utilities and pipes enter your home and take time to eliminate all moisture sites, such as leaky pipes or clogged drains.  


Store firewood a minimum of 20 feet away from your home. The wood can be a great place for mice and ants to hide, and it can be a tasty treat for termites to snack on. The closer you keep your firewood to your home, the easier it is for pests to make the transition inside.


Pests are looking for a warm place that has both food and water. Make sure to vacuum the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room to eliminate any potential food sources around your home.


With Pro Staff’s 8-step pest control program, you can keep any crawling insects out of your home. Our program starts by placing baits in outdoor locations, including your woodpile. Next, our technician will apply liquid insect repellent around your home’s windows, door frames, eaves, and other areas. Finally, we treat the inside of your house by placing bait between walls and in other strategic areas, such as under your oven, refrigerator, and other major appliances.
Don’t let the cold drive pests into your home. Call the West Des Moines pest control experts today. You can reach us at (515) 279-7378 or by contacting us online for a no-cost, no-obligation quote.

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