Watch Out for These Winter Pests

Snowmen, sledding, and cockroaches? Winter weather can drive unwanted pests right into the warmth and comfort of your home. Pro Staff, experts in pest control Ankeny, can help you make sure your home stays pest-free this winter.

Cockroaches are the pests that just won’t quit, and colder weather encourages them to venture indoors. Houses make an excellent shelter since cockroaches prefer to live in a small area that is close to food and moisture. These sneaky pests don’t even need an opening to get inside; they can hitch a ride in a grocery bag or crawl inside a box. Cockroaches can contaminate food sources and spread bacteria and pathogens. What’s more, cockroaches can also cause allergies to flare up. To prevent cockroaches in your home during the cold winter months, vacuum and take out the trash on a regular basis, clean up any crumbs or spills you make in the kitchen, and pay attention to your kitchen and bathroom. Moisture can build up over time, making it an appealing place to a cockroach.

Brown Recluse Spiders
Cockroaches aren’t the only ones driven inside by the cold weather. Brown recluse spiders also want to escape from the cold. Brown recluse spiders will spin their webs in isolated and undisturbed places so it may not be as obvious when they move in. Keep an eye out for them in places like attics, crawl spaces, and basements. If you think you have a brown recluse infestation, call a professional. While there is a common misconception that a brown recluse spider bite is deadly, it can still damage human tissue.

House mice, rats, and raccoons all seek shelter in the winter. These pests can cause damage to drywall, electrical wires, and anything plastic in your home. To prevent rodents from making themselves at home, routinely check for droppings, gnaw marks, and damaged boxes.

The cold winter weather can drive pests inside your home. Take steps to prevent them with Pro Staff, pest control Ankeny experts. If you need help keeping your home pest-free, give us a call at 515-279-7378 for more details and a free inspection.

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