What Attracts Pests

Pests have many needs, and our homes just so happen to be the perfect shelter for them to move into. If there’s a lack of danger, such as cats or exterminating chemicals, nothing will deter them from unpacking their suitcases and staying for good. Pro Staff, the experts in pest control Des Moines, can help you make sure your home doesn’t look appealing to pests.

Pests, much like us, love a good meal. Follow these tips to keep your food pest-free:

  • Seal-tight packaging or containers for your food.
  • If you have a garbage disposal, remember to clean out the blending chamber frequently. Gnats and flies lay their spawn in dirty sinks.
  • Vacuum and clean the floors frequently, or else you might find yourself having to hop around to avoid critters skittering all over the place.
  • Wipe up messes immediately, especially when it comes to sugary and sticky spills. You don’t want to come back later to a tiny ecosystem using your juice as a watering hole.

Water is crucial for quenching thirst and keeping cool. Water damage in homes sometimes festers mold, which becomes more food for pests to eat! Here’s how you can prevent from becoming your pests local watering hole:

  • Get leaks and mold checked out immediately.
  • Mop up any puddles around your house, whether they come from leaks or you simply forget to clean up after a shower. The less water laying around, the better.

Pests love dark and damp environments. Since we don’t always keep our lights on, there’s a definite possibility that critters have an ample amount of hiding spaces. Don’t let your home become a pest hotel by:

  • Keep your floors and surfaces clutter-free. The fewer places a pest can hide, the better. This includes wiping residue and dust off of them too.
  • Change your light bulbs, especially the ones in closets. To pests like moths and spiders, the darkness and lack of activity in your closet is an ideal shelter.
  • Check for holes in your windows, doors, and walls.

With these tips,, you can protect your home from pests. If you think you need professional help, the Pest control Des Moines experts at Pro Staff know exactly what to look for when handling pest problems. Contact us at (515) 279-7378 for an easy and free inspection to determine what your next steps need to be.

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