Spring Cleaning: Clear Out Those Pests!

The slush has cleared away, the ice has melted, and you can see green on your lawn. Spring has finally sprung! Spring cleaning is a great time to take care of some pest control basics. Follow these tips from Pro Staff, the pest control Ankeny, to make sure your home stays pest-free.

In the Yard
It’s refreshing to see green grass starting to grow after a cold, snowy winter. The best part is that all of the cold weather killed the pests around your house, right? Unfortunately, pests make their way back pretty quickly. With a little bit of work, you can prevent pests from making your yard their new home.

  • Clear away debris: Snow leaves behind natural debris such as rocks, tree branches, twigs, and leaves. Rake and bag up yard debris to prevent critters from finding shelter.
  • Get rid of standing water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. To prevent your yard from becoming a mosquito’s playground, dump out flower pots, trash, cans, buckets, and containers. Make sure the bird bath is clean and the pond water is circulating.
  • Secure windows: Winter weather takes a toll on your house, and pests only need a small gap to make their way inside. Re-seal all windows and doors, and check that all window screens fit properly and are free from holes and tears.

In the Kitchen
The kitchen is a natural place for pests to congregate. After all, it has everything they need: food, shelter, and water. When you spring clean, take the time to deep clean the space you make all of your meals in.

  • Organize your pantry: You don’t need that half-eaten box of crackers anymore. Toss out any expired foods, and keep any sugary- or carb-heavy foods in airtight containers.
  • Sanitize all surfaces: You should always wipe down your kitchen counters after every meal, but take the time to clean even the harder to reach places, like the stove burner.
  • Clean under things: When’s the last time you cleaned under your refrigerator? Sweep and vacuum under the oven and refrigerator.  

Around the House
You can also take steps to reduce clutter throughout your house. Go through those boxes in your garage, and get rid of what you don’t need. Simply clearing out the clutter can help keep the pests away.

  • Reduce clutter: Cardboard boxes and containers make a great hiding spot for unwanted visitors. Go through any boxes you have, and transfer what you want to keep into plastic containers that will keep bugs out.

For all your pest control Ankeny needs, contact the professionals at Pro Staff. Our eight-step program is guaranteed to control all creepy, crawly insects. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 to speak with a professional about a no-cost, no-obligation quote.

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