Beware of Bugs

Different seasons bring different weather, and different weather brings different pests. The pest control Des Moines professionals at Pro Staff can help you spot the bugs of the season.

The warmer weather doesn’t only make you want to spend time outside; pests also enjoy the sunshine. Warmer weather means pests are leaving their colonies in search of a spring feast. Watch out for these bugs:

  • Ants: April showers bring May flowers, which sends ants searching for higher ground. This search for safety sends them straight indoors.
  • Bed bugs: This year-round bug doesn’t take a break in the spring. Increased travel due to spring break can cause their population to spike.
  • Flies: Flies start maturing during the spring and this leaves them searching for new sources of food, which they often find in your kitchen.
  • Mosquitos: During the spring, mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
  • Spiders: After winter, spiders start the search for food. Luckily, the increase in insect activity means a meal isn’t too far away.
  • Termites: Spring marks the start of swarming season for termites. This is when they scout out locations for a new colony.

While it might not feel like it, insect activity slows down in the summer months. There are only a few insects who peak during these hot months:

  • Ants: As the rain continues, ants continue to be driven inside.
  • Bed bugs: School is out! Your son just left at summer camp, and he brought home bed bugs. Due to a high travel season, bed bug problems can be frequent.
  • Flies: Flies reach their peak mating season during the summer. Make sure to take out your trash regularly.
  • Mosquitos: No surprise here — mosquitos are at their worst during the summer. Warmer temperatures let mosquitos cycle faster, meaning they lay more eggs.
  • Stinging insects: These critters reach their highest population during the hot season. They’ll often build nests in any opening on your house, including windows and door frames.
  • Termites: After spending the spring swarming, termites build their homes during the summer.

Cooler temperatures cause pests to start preparing for the upcoming winter season. Many try to sneak their way inside to a warm shelter.

  • Cockroaches: Because they can’t survive cold weather, these roaches make their way inside during the fall.
  • Spiders: Similar to cockroaches, spiders also cannot survive winter. Many try to sneak their way inside to stay warm.
  • Fleas: Fleas thrive in warmer weather. As it starts to cool outside, many seek shelter indoors.
  • Stink bugs: The colder temperatures drive these smelly pests inside your home to survive the winter.

Winter is a bug’s slow season; many cannot survive in the harsh weather. However, these few are more than comfortable:

  • Bed bugs: Another busy travel season means that the bed bug population continues to thrive.
  • Roaches: While cockroaches may not be able to survive the cold weather, Oriental roaches and German roaches continue to be active.

There’s no off-season for pest control. No matter the season or the temperature, pests are looking for an excuse to come inside. Pro Staff, your pest control Des Moines experts, can keep your home pest-free. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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