Bee-autiful Gardens

We’ve all heard it before: “Bees are crucial to the balance of nature.” And it’s true! There are many benefits that come with our furry little friends. Let’s dive into what all the buzz is about with bees.

What Can Bees Do For Us?
Bees do a whole lot for everything around them. It’s important not to try and get rid of them the moment they arrive for fear of being stung; Here are some of the things which bees would rather be doing:

  • Bees pollinate about 85% of all flowers. Since flowers require help properly distributing and spreading their pollen to other plants, the easiest way is letting a bee do it for them.
  • Fruit and vegetation thrive as bees pay good attention to them.
  • Many plants rely solely on bees to stay alive. Without them, these plants would go extinct. Bees have become a massive part of various organisms’ life cycles. To remove them is damaging to the ecosystem.  
  • They make honey! Honey is a natural product with great antibacterial properties. We humans use it in a lot of what we cook and consume medically. It’s a healthier option than other candies and sugary sweets.
  • Bees contribute to making wax. Beeswax is used in making candles, lip balm, beauty products, and even chewing gum! Beeswax lasts a bit longer and tends to give whatever it’s applied to a better shine.

What Can We Do For Bees?
It is our duty to make sure that bees remain on this earth for generations to come so that humanity can always be blessed with their hard work. We need to give some to get some, so here’s how we can help the bees:

  • Plant habitats for bees to flourish in. With so much construction going on, they are bound to feel lost. Habitats can be anything from bee-appropriate flowers to vegetation and even trees.
  • Try your hand at making a bee bath. Get a bowl, and fill it with little rocks. Pour in some water just high enough so that the bees can perch on the rocks and drink.
  • Build your own honey beehive. The entire ecosystem around you could benefit from you hosting your own bees. Think of all the raw honey and wax!

The pest control Des Moines team at Pro Staff recognizes the differences between destructive and helpful critters. If you require more information or help regarding bees, contact or call us at 515-279-7378.

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