Bathroom Bugs

Is there anything more terrifying than turning on the bathroom light in the middle of the night and watching bugs scatter for cover? Being able to identify exactly what is treating your bathroom like an exclusive nightclub is an assured way to make those late night bathroom trips less frightful.

Drain Flies
These sneaky little flies thrive on dirty plumbing. Using our drainage system like a secret passageway through our house, they feast on food remnants left behind in our sinks. Drain flies lay their eggs in sinks and can get overwhelming very quickly if they have plenty of old food to consume. So make sure to scrub your sink and pour drain cleaner into the drains to keep them away.

If there’s a bug in the bathroom, our first guess might be a cockroach.  They are infamous for taking up residence there. Take the time to examine your bathroom for cracks in the walls and floors. Seal up exposed holes with a waterproof sealant and keep your drains covered with plugs. Alternatively, you could call the expert exterminator Des Moines team at Pro Staff and have your bathroom fitted with traps and granular poisons to keep cockroaches out for good.

If it’s tiny, silver, and moves like a tadpole, it’s more than likely a silverfish. These creatures love damp, moist environments where they can spot mold and fungi to feast on. If left unattended for too long, they can cause significant damage. Combat this pest by treating the areas they are found with silverfish-specific chemicals.

Water Bugs
Similar to cockroaches, these bugs specialize in getting involved with damp, dank bathrooms. Since they live in the water, they seek out humid and constantly wet bathrooms where their natural predators outside can’t find them. Thankfully, they can be removed in the same method as cockroaches, but can really get out of hand if not taken care of right away.

House Centipedes
These creepy crawlies look like the very manifestation of horror — it’s a good thing they are so small! Since centipedes are predators, they come looking for all the other bathroom bugs to eat- including spiders! To make sure that these hungry creatures don’t come searching in your bathroom, make sure that there is no habitat for other bugs. Keep the room dry, and frequently clean the cabinets. Consider installing a bathroom exhaust fan.

Don’t let these bugs overwhelm you. Conquer back your bathroom by putting a stop to bad bathroom bugs. Give ProStaff Iowa a call at 515-279-7378, or contact us online for a free examination.

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