Larger Than Life: The Giant Water Bug

Most people probably think that “giant” and “bug” shouldn’t be used in the same sentence — ever! The giant water bug is one of the largest and most common insects to be found in Iowa. Keep your eyes next time you’re swimming in a pond or stream, or you might just stumble upon Iowa’s infamous “toe-biter.” Here’s what you should know:

Giant water bugs are very distinguishable. They are easy to spot not only due to their size but also their physical attributes. Their bodies were designed to make them the perfect predator.

  • This creature can grow up to three inches in length and are typically brown in color.
  • They have oval-shaped bodies and an overall flat appearance.
  • Six legs protrude from their body, with the frontal two being bent like pincers.

Ponds, lakes, and streams are where you will most commonly find this bug, but they have been known to make their way into homes if there is enough moisture. Their prey includes anything from other water insects to frogs and small lizards. Giant water bugs breed around the banks of water sources. Eggs are guarded by the male, and they’ll deliver a lethal bite to any who threaten them.

The bite of a giant water bug can cause the insides of their prey to literally turn to liquid so that they can drink it up. Though their bite isn’t lethal to humans, the infection they can cause should get treated immediately. These creatures don’t particularly care about humans, crops, or any other vegetation — they are predators with the sole goal of eating up their natural prey.

Luckily for us, this giant bug has no interest in reproducing inside of our houses. There simply isn’t enough water laying around to give them a good start at life. That being said, if leaks are left alone and other creatures are attracted to the house, the giant water bug might be interested in treating our homes like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Dealing with other bugs is the best line of defense in keeping the giant water bug out.

If the water bug ends up in or around your home, rest assured that you can contact some of the best pest control Ankeny has to offer at ProStaff Iowa. Contact or call at 515-279-7378 today!

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