Dealing with Drain Flies

Drain flies are a nuisance. Eggs are laid in masses, ranging from 10 to 200 at a time, and they hatch within two days. Larvae mature within two weeks, and adult drain flies live for about two days. All this means is that the drain fly populations explodes quite suddenly. Pro Staff, pest control Des Moines experts, can help you get rid of — and prevent — a drain fly infestation.  

What’s a Drain Fly?
Also known as sewage flies or filter flies, drain flies almost appear to be moth-like; both their bodies and wings are covered in long hairs that make them look fuzzy. These pests are anywhere from ⅕ to 1/10 of an inch long and dark gray to black in color. Drain flies have long antennae that are often curved.

These flies — despite their wings —are terrible flyers. This means they often hop from place to place, rather than flying a long distance. They feed on decaying organic matter found in flower nectar mud, moss, and standing water. Drain flies are most active at night.

Where Will I Find Them?
Drain flies can be found inside and outside of your home. Common places you’ll find them include:

Inside Your Home:

  • Floor drains
  • Garbage disposal
  • Loose tiles
  • Showers
  • Sink drains
  • Toilets
  • Unused sinks
  • Walls
  • Windows

Outside Your Home:

  • Compost piles
  • Damaged septic lines
  • Garbage areas
  • Standing water

Getting Rid of Drain Flies

Before you can take steps to eliminate drain flies, you need to locate the source of the infestation. You can make a simple trap using a clear plastic cup and some vegetable oil. Lightly coat the inside of the cup with oil, and place it inverted over the suspected drain. Leave this cup in place for a few days, but make sure to check it daily. If that drain was the source of the infestation, flies will get stuck on the inside of the cup.

Once you locate the source of your drain fly infestation, there are a few steps you can take to get rid of them.

  • Clean in and around all drains, drain pipes, and sinks.
  • Clean in and around all garbage and recycling bins.
    Eliminate any standing water.
  • Fix any leaky pipes.

Pro Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, can help treat and prevent drain fly infestations. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 to receive your no cost, no obligation quote. For more information on handling moths, kitchen pests, and why you need pest control, check out our blog.

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