Keep Pests Out

To keep pests out of your home, you need to make sure your home is secure. A small tear in a window screen or loose siding can be an open invitation for bugs to make their way inside. At the start of spring, it’s important to inspect the exterior of your house to prevent an infestation. Pro Staff, West Des Moines pest control experts, can help you stay safe from pests.  

Cracks can happen anywhere — in the foundation, siding, roof, and more. Inspect the entire exterior of your house for any cracks, crevices, and gaps. Repair any gaps with copper mesh, coarse steel wool, sheet metal, or mortar.

Doors and Windows
Pests can wiggle through tiny cracks. Check your doors and windows for any gaps or tears in screens. Replace any damaged screens and, if necessary, replace any doors and windows that don’t fit well.

It’s common knowledge that most bugs are attracted to lights. To prevent your porch from becoming the neighborhood hangout spot, replace bulbs with high-pressure sodium vapor or halogen lights. Pink, yellow, and orange tinted lights are unattractive to pests.

Plants and mulch make a great hiding spot for pests, and any plants that reach your home serve as a makeshift “bridge” inside. Trim back any trees and shrubs, and avoid piling mulch, which can attract termites, against your home.

Trash and Recycling
To a pest, your trash is truly treasure. Keep your yard, patio, deck, and garage free of litter. Make sure any trash cans have secure lids that don’t fall off if something were to knock it over. For recycled goods, make sure to rinse out any cans before sticking them in the recycling bin.   

The only way to guarantee a pest-free home is through pest control. Pro Staff, experts in West Des Moines pest control, can help control pests. With a highly effective eight-step pest control program, Pro Staff guarantees control of all crawling insects, including ants, roaches, and mice, for one full year. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online to get your no cost, no obligation quote.

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