Mulching and Pests

A beautiful garden usually involves mulch, but mulch can bring its own set of pest control problems. Pro Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, can help you make sure your mulch stays pest-free.

What Does Mulch Do?
Mulch can be a godsend in your garden. It controls weeds, improves your plant’s water retention, prevents soil erosion, and helps provide insulation, regulating both soil temperature and moisture. It comes in two forms: organic and inorganic.

Inorganic mulch is made up of natural materials, such as crushed or volcanic rock, gravel, pebbles, or stone. It may also consist of man-made materials, including ground tires, fabric, or plastic.

Organic mulch consists of leaves, wood chips, tree bark, compost, pine needles, or any type of plant material. Organic mulch has additional benefits compared to inorganic mulch; it can help to feed the quality and fertility of the soil and can increase the moisture content of the soil.

A Bug’s Preference
When it comes to organic or inorganic mulch, pests have a favorite. The same qualities that make organic mulch beneficial to your plants are attractive to bugs. Pests like termites, sowbugs, pillbugs, millipedes, earwigs, ants, cockroaches, and centipedes could all make a home in your mulch.

Staying Pest-Free
Mulch is beneficial to a garden, and there are a few steps you can take to ensure your mulch stays pest free.

Organic mulch is a breeding ground for pests. Because of this, it should not be laid within six inches near the foundation of your home. Otherwise, it can be seen as an invitation for pests to come inside. Fill in this area with non-organic mulch such as gravel stone or rock.

Mulch Color
Interestingly enough, pests are attracted to certain colors of mulch including yellow, black, and blue. Silver mulch can repel aphids and attract fewer overall insects.

Mulch is known for attracting termites. To prevent burrowing, never layer mulch more than three inches high, never have mulch in contact with the wood of your home or another structure, and invest in a pest control plan that will protect you from termites.

The pest control Des Moines experts at Pro Staff can help keep your mulch — and your home — pest free. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online to speak with a professional. For tips on battling bathroom bugs, termites, or moths, check out our blog.

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