Everything You Need to Know About Chiggers

Have you ever gone on a hike, only to come back covered in small, red, itchy welts that seem to last for days? This could be the cause of chiggers. Pro Staff, your West Des Moines pest control experts, can help you identify and prevent these annoying pests.

Identifying Chiggers
Chiggers, also known as red bugs, are till mites that leave itchy, but harmless welts. They prefer to bite your body’s sweaty spots, including the undersides of your arms, knees, and stomach. Once they find where they want to eat, they inject enzymes that soften your tissue and then suck out liquified skin cells. Unlike mosquitos, they don’t drink blood. A chigger can feed anywhere from three to four days, but because they brush off fairly easily, this rarely happens. Chiggers can be found in large clusters, which often results in multiple bites on one person.

Chiggers mostly stay outside, meaning your house is safe. You can find them in darker, bushy areas. Prime locations include:

  • Overgrown lawns
  • Ground covers
  • Leaves
  • Weeds
  • Densley planted shrubs or trees

Preventing Chiggers
Because chiggers love a specific environment, there are a few steps you can take to make sure they don’t start making your lawn into their home.

  • Mow your lawn: Chiggers love overgrown lawns. Keep your grass short, particularly around landscape beds or wooded areas, and make sure you regularly prune your trees and shrubs.
  • Brighten up your yard: Cut down overbearing tree branches, and eliminate any dark, shady places.
  • Garden: Regularly weed and remove organic debris that chiggers could live on from your garden.

Chiggers also have sensitive noses. Sprinkling a little sulfur powder on your socks before heading outside is often enough to repel them. Anytime you’re working outside or taking a hike, use mosquito repellent; it’s just as effective on chigger bites.

Chiggers can make for an itchy summer. Work with Pro Staff, your experts in West Des Moines pest control, to make sure they don’t ruin your summer. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online to get your no cost, no obligation quote. For more information on preventing ticks, keeping your pets pest-free, and keeping flies out of your home, check out our blog.  

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