Your Guide to Deer Ticks

Not only can a tick bite ruin a day of fun, but they can also be a cause for concern. Deer ticks, known for carrying Lyme Disease, are common during the summer. Pro Staff, an exterminator in Des Moines, can help you prevent and, in some cases, treat tick bites.

Identifying Ticks
The most common type of tick, the deer tick, is roughly ⅛ of an inch when unengorged. Deer ticks have flat, oval bodies that are typically orange-brown in color. After they’ve fed, their stomach can appear darker. Known for spreading Lyme Disease, it’s crucial to remove deer ticks as soon as possible; they can feed for approximately 24 to 36 hours at a time.

Bite Prevention
You can take some steps to prevent a tick from biting you.

  • Check pets before they come inside.
  • Frequently check for ticks on your clothing.
  • Move any lawn furniture or toys away from your yard’s edge.
  • Mow your lawn and remove any lawn debris.
  • Once home, dry your clothes on the highest temperature setting for a least 15 minutes.
  • Tuck your pants into your socks.
  • Tuck your shirt into your pants.
  • Use insect repellent.
  • Wear light-colored clothing.
  • Walk along the center of any hiking trails.

Bite Treatment
If you have been bitten by a tick, it’s important to remove it as safely and quickly as possible. Follow these steps to safely remove a tick:

  1. Using sterilized tweezers, grasp as the tick as close as you can to the surface of the person’s or animal’s skin.
  2. Pull up doing so steadily and evenly. Do not twist or jerk the tick; you want the tick to come out in one piece. The mouth is prone to breaking off, leaving it embedded in the skin. If the mouth breaks off, use tweezers to remove that part as well.
  3. Clean the bitten area, your hands, and tweezers using rubbing alcohol, iodine, or soap and water.

Pro Staff, your exterminator in Des Moines, can help make sure your house is protected against pests this summer. With our 8-step pest control program, all crawling insects, including ants and roaches, are guaranteed to be controlled for one full year. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online to get your no cost, no obligation quote.

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