Getting Rid of Stink Bugs

Ew! What’s that smell? It’s a… bug? Stink bugs get their name for a reason. When threatened, they emit a disgusting odor. Pro Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, has some tips to make sure your house is free of stink bugs.

Identifying Stink Bugs
Other than their distinctive smell, there are three ways you can identify stink bugs:

  • By their color: While most stink bugs are brown marmorated, there are also green varieties. Younger stink bugs can be light green or black.
  • By their shape: Adult stink bugs are about ½ to ¾ of an inch long and are shaped like a shield. Younger stink bugs have a similar, but more rounded shape.
  • By their behavior: Stink bugs have a tendency to congregate on exterior building walls. During the spring and summer, they will move further into homes, trying to feed on vegetation and crops.

Stink Bug Damage
Stink bugs just, well, stink. Fortunately, stink bugs do not sting or bite, and unlike some pests, they don’t cause any structural damage to your home. However, they can be dangerous to your garden and crops, doing significant damage to beans, blackberries, corn, peppers, soybeans, tomatoes, and more. To feed on crops, stink bugs piece seeds with their needle-like mouth. The full extent of the damage depends on the developmental stage at which the bug fed. Additionally, stink bugs can transmit yeast-spot disease to the plants it feeds on.

Controlling Stink Bugs
While stink bugs act as a natural repellent for many predators, you don’t want them in your garden or home. However, stink bugs are highly resistant to insecticides, meaning the best way to get rid of them is to prevent them.

Inspect the exterior of your home for any cracks or openings. Caulk around pipes, utility wires, and cables, and make sure all screens and windows are intact. Work with a professional pest control company to eliminate stink bugs before they have the chance to enter your home. At Pro Staff, our highly effective 8-step pest control program includes placing bait outside of your home, applying a specially formulate granular repellent, and applying a liquid insect repellent.

If stink bugs happen to make it inside your home, do not use insecticides. Dead stink bugs can attract other pests such as carpet beetles. Vacuum or sweet them up, or flush them down your toilet.

At Pro Staff, your experts in pest control Des Moines, we can help you make sure your home stays pest-free. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online for your no cost, no obligation quote.

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