Flying Ants

If you leave fruits and vegetables out for too long, the fruit flies will come, and if you don’t take out the trash this week, you’ll be sure to hear that dreaded buzz. But if you’ve taken all the necessary precautions and still find yourself haunted by a flying house pest, it could be something more. Pro Staff, the pest control Des Moines professionals, will teach you how to get rid of ants — even the dreaded flying ones.

Identify Your Intruders

If you’re seeing swarms of flying pests, you need to properly identify the species in order to determine the severity of your problem and how to treat it. Flying carpenter ants have:

  • Dark-colored bodies
  • Wings unequal in length
  • Skinny abdomens
  • Crooked antennae

If flying carpenter ants have invaded your home, then there’s good news; they pose no threat to humans and can be dealt with fairly easily.

Dealing with an Infestation

Seeing one flying ant in your house during the summer months might not be cause for alarm, however, seeing swarms of these pests around your property makes for a different story. Check the wooded areas around your property for wood dust, insect parts, and frass, which is a mixture of soil. Frass marks the openings to carpenter ant nests. Carpenter ants favor rotting, wet wood, so it’s best to mend any deteriorating baseboards or porch steps right away. To eliminate a swarm immediately, vacuum the bugs up, then promptly dispose of the dirtbag outside of your home to prevent the bugs from coming back. Seal all cracks along window treatments and floorboards. Finally, call for professional pest services to ensure that the problem is taken care of. Avoid using sprays on foraging ants, as this will not eliminate the colony as a whole.

If you see a swarm of flying ants, don’t wait. The bugs could do damage to your property, and no one wants to share their home with insect invaders. Call pest control Des Moines professionals Pro Staff at 515-279-7378 to learn how to get rid of ants.

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