Summer Pest Control

Summer is for spending hot days barbecuing with your friends and family. But when the sun goes down, the mosquitos come out. Your guests came to eat the burgers you made, not be eaten alive by pesky bloodsuckers. Pro Staff, the pest control of Des Moines experts, can show you how to get rid of all of those annoying bugs and critters so that you can get back to your summer vacation relaxation.

Don’t Let Them In

Don’t give pests access to your home. Check for holes and tears in your screens, and repair what needs fixing right away. Inspect all doors and windows, paying close attention to the trimming for any needed repairs. Locate rotting wood around your house that may also serve as insect entry points.

Make It Spotless

One thing that never fails to attract household pests is crumbs! Regularly wipe down counters and sweep or mop up floors, ensuring that you collect every last crumb. You don’t want to leave a feast for ants! Put food away immediately, and properly dispose of anything that is expired. Do not allow fruit or veggies to become over ripened, as fruit flies will seemingly appear out of nowhere. Meat scraps shouldn’t be left in a garbage can for more than 48 hours; rotting meat becomes rancid in the hot summer sun, attracting all sorts of unwanted pests.

Maintain Your Yard

Your lawn should be regularly weeded, mowed, and cared for. Overgrowth is a great place for critters to make a nest. Rake up debris, trim trees and bushes, and get rid of any standing water. Mosquitos breed in stagnant water, which can be found in places like rain spouts, leaky AC units, and toys left out in the yard. Your kids should have distinct outside and inside toys to prevent that transport of home invaders. Thoroughly wipe down anything making the trip from outside to inside. Check swings and outdoor furniture for any pests who have may have made it their new home. Store firewood properly by keeping it in an elevated rack as far away from your house and shed as possible in order to deter termites from chewing on your walls.

Don’t let your party guests end up on the menu as a mosquito buffet, or allow ants to steal your barbecue. Pro Staff, experts in pest control for Des Moines, will spray regularly around your property. Call 515-279-PEST or go online to schedule an appointment today.

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