What Just Stung Me?

There’s nothing better than long days in the summer sun. But you’re not the only one who’s enjoying the warm temperatures! Bites from stinging insects, such as wasps and bees, are much more common in the summer. But if you’ve been stung, do you know how to treat it? First, you need to identify the insect that bit you. In the heat of the moment, it can be hard to tell the difference between a wasp and a bee. Luckily, each welt is distinctive: A bee sting will still have a stinger in it, while a wasp sting will not. Once you’ve identified the culprit, you can treat the bite. 

Treating Bee Stings

Typically, bee stings can be easily treated at home. After being stung, immediately remove the stinger by using the edge of your fingernail — this helps curb the amount of toxins released into your skin. Then, wash the sting site using a mild soap and water. Finally, ice the area to reduce venom absorption and reduce swelling. 

While for most people, a bee sting is simply a painful annoyance, some people can be allergic to the sting. Most people experience a mild reaction that includes redness and swelling at the sting site. Signs beyond a mild allergic reaction to a bee sting include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Hives
  • Loss of consciousness 
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Pale skin
  • Rapid pulse
  • Severe itching
  • Swelling of the tongue and throat

Any of these symptoms can indicate anaphylactic shock, a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction. If you experience these symptoms, call 911 immediately. 

Treating Wasp Stings

Unfortunately, wasp stings can become quite common in the summer months. Treating wasp stings is similar to how you would treat a bee sting.

  1. Wash the sting site using a mild soap and water to remove as much venom as possible.
  2. Ice the sting site to reduce swelling and pain.
  3. Keep the site clean and dry to prevent infection.
  4. Cover with a bandage if necessary.

Wasps have a venom that is unique to them and differs from bees. This means a person can be allergic to bee stings, but not wasp stings and vice versa. If you experience and symptoms beyond a mild allergic reaction, call 911 immediately. 

There’s no need to suffer from insect stings in your own backyard! Pro Staff, the pest control Des Moines experts, can help make sure your home is pest-free. Just give us a call at (518) 279-7378 or contact us online for your no cost, no obligation quote.

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