Silverfish 101

That’s odd. Your favorite pair of jeans have tiny holes in them. You brush it off, thinking “maybe it’s just a moth.” You forget about it until you open up a book that’s been sitting on the shelf a little too long and find pinholes going in and out of the pages. “Well it’s old!” you think. It’s not until you notice the wallpaper, full of tiny holes up and down the wall, that you start to think an insect is at the root of all of these holes. Silverfish, a common pest, love to feast on anything starchy — meaning your house is their all-you-can-eat buffet. Pro Staff, the preferred pest control Des Moines experts, can help you tackle a silverfish infestation. 

Identifying Silverfish

Silverfish are pretty easy to recognize. They really do look like silver fish, and they move like one, too! These pests are small in size, at half an inch to an inch long. They have a large head and a thinner body that tapers at the rear and are typically light blue to silver in color. Interestingly enough, these pests are considered to be one of the oldest insects on the planet; they’re thought to be around 400 million years old. 

The Silverfish Diet
Silverfish aren’t picky eaters. They eat anything that’s high in protein, starch, or polysaccharides (often found in adhesives or glue). That means most of your belongings — from your collectible playing cards to your favorite sweater to the pictures on the walls — are on a silverfish’s menu. The only thing silverfish don’t eat is wood, so they cause little to no structural damage. 

Getting Rid of Silverfish

Tackling silverfish involves three steps: reducing food sources, water sources, and shelter.

  • Reduce food sources: Store food in airtight containers. If you have collectible cards or items that aren’t out on display, put them in plastic bags. Try to protect anything on display with an airtight case.
  • Reduce water sources: Silverfish love humidity, which is why they tend to thrive in the summer. Use a dehumidifier to reduce water sources.
  • Reduce shelter: Seal up any cracks, crevices, or holes that a silverfish could sneak in through. 

Silverfish are a nuisance. Pro Staff, the preferred pest control Des Moines experts, can help you get rid of them if they’ve decided to invade your home. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online for your no cost, no obligation quote.

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