Indoor Fly Control

You’re standing at the kitchen counter, chopping some onions for tonight’s dinner, when you hear a buzz in your ear. You flick your hand up, and don’t think much of it — until you look down at the cutting board and there’s a fly resting on your perfectly julienned vegetables. Flies are invasive. Once you see one, there’s sure to be more to follow. Pro Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, and here to help you solve (and prevent! any fly problems you may have. 

Close up of fly

Home Inspection

At the first sign of a fly, it’s important to find out where it came from. Has it been a few days since you took out the trash? Did you forget to run the garbage disposal after last night’s attempt at pasta carbonara? Inspect the areas where you first saw the fly, and see if there are any more present. This will help you locate the source of the infestation. 


House flies are often called filth flies; they love dirt. And it doesn’t take much dirt for them to find a place to call home. Even just leaving your dishes in the sink overnight can do it. The best way to reduce a fly infestation is to clean as you go.

  • Keep trash closed and take out regularly.
  • Wipe down counters after cooking.
  • Clean pet feeding and litter areas. 
Close up of fly on trash


The best way to eliminate flies to prevent them from entering your home. Take precautions to stop flies in their tracks.

  • Keep window and door screens in pristine condition.
  • Close windows, doors, and vents when not in use.
  • Seal any entry points on the outside of your house.


If flies manage to persist, you have two options for control: mechanical control and chemical control. Mechanical control includes fly traps, fly bait, and even fly swatters. When it comes to chemical control, we recommend leaving it to the professionals. At Pro Staff, we’re properly trained to handle fly infestations — and the chemicals they call for. 

If flies have invaded your home, contact the pest control Des Moines professionals at Pro Staff. With our eight-step pest control program, we guarantee control of all crawling insects for one full year. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online.

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