Keeping Pests Out of Your Trash

We’ve all been there. You bring the trash can back inside and find it crawling with ants. You toss the can back outside, but you can’t help but wonder — have you already brought pests inside your home? Pro Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, can help you keep pests out of your trash. 

A cute raccoon standing on its hind legs in grass

Keep a Clean Can

Your leftover split-pea soup might have exploded in its container, but you threw it in the trash, so that’s the end of that mess, right? Not necessarily. If your trash has any leaks or residue, that leftover food is going to stick to the inside of your can — and make it quite appealing to pests. Frequently rinse out the insides of your trash can to prevent any sticky residue from accumulating. 

Rinse Your Garbage

Cleaning garbage may sound like an oxymoron, but it can reduce your chance of a pest infestation by making sure no food is building up at the bottom of the trash bag. Run water over plastic containers, and try to scrape as much as you can off of paper plates. If you have to dispose of food in a trash can, designate a specific can for food. 

An open green trash can standing in grass. An assortment of plastic bottles and containers lie strewn around it.

Sealing Mechanisms 

You set your trash outside. The next morning, as you’re getting in your car for work, you notice your perfectly manicured lawn has trash thrown across it. If critters are getting into your trash each night, consider installing a lock or obtaining a heavier lid. This can help keep trash out of furry hands.

Compost Bins

Compost bins are specifically designed to break up food over time. That food can later be turned into fertilizer! Just remember to keep your compost bin sealed tight, away from curious paws, and make sure the outside of the can has no food residue. You won’t have to worry about your trash being someone’s midnight snack, and your garden will thank you!

Pests can view trash as an invitation to make themselves at home. Taking these extra steps to dissuade animals and bugs from feasting on your garbage will be well worth it. If pests are invading your home, give Pro Staff, the experts in pest control Des Moines a call at (515) 279-7378.

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