Protecting Your Home Against the “Fall Crawl”

The cooler temperatures of the autumn months make this season the perfect time to curl up in front of the fireplace with a good book. Unfortunately, insects and other pests also want to come in from the cold this time of year. Pro Staff, the pest control Des Moines professionals, offer advice on how you can protect your home from the “fall crawl” of unwelcome guests.

brightly colored fall leaves laying on grass

Fill in the Gaps

The first step to preventing the “fall crawl” involves making sure there are no holes or gaps that creepy crawlers can find their way through. You can do this by placing screens over any openings to the outdoors, such as mail slots, chimneys openings, attic vents, and pet doors. You should also take a walk around the outside of your home and look for any cracks or crevices in the exterior. Seal these off with caulk and steel wool to prevent outside pests from getting in. After you seal up the outside of your home, be sure to check the interior as well, and caulk any cracks along your bathroom or kitchen fixtures.

close-up of a yellow maple leaf laying on pavement

Put Away Pest Attractors

Those leftovers sitting out on the counter look like a gourmet meal to rodents, roaches, and other pests. To avoid luring these critters into your home, practice good habits by keeping kitchen counters clean, storing food in airtight containers, and emptying the garbage regularly. And don’t just take care of your own food — avoid leaving out pet food dishes for long periods of time. Pests aren’t picky eaters, so they’re just as likely to be enticed to your home by Fido’s food as they would yours. Additionally, you may want to do some spring cleaning in the fall — old piles of fabric, wood, or paper can offer prime hiding places for bugs and rodents alike. Keeping your home clean can help reduce the number of pest attractors and keep those creepy crawlers away.

As autumn approaches, don’t let insect and rodent pests invade your home! The pest control Des Moines experts at Pro Staff can help you beat the “fall crawl.” Call 515-279-7378 today to get a quote for residential pest control services.

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