How To Tell If Insects Have Infested Your Trees

Your house’s curb appeal is due to your beautiful landscaping. From your rose garden to the oak trees that line your property, you’re quite proud of your yard. But neighbors aren’t the only ones who find your yard appealing; insects look at your immaculately designed landscaping as an all-you-can-eat buffet. Pro Staff, pest control Des Moines experts, can help you learn to identify the signs that insects have taken up residence in your yard.

Tree canopy

Chewed Foliage

It’s beautiful as the leaves fall, but if you notice small holes or irregular edges on the leaves you rake up, your tree could be infected. A variety of insects, including insect larvae, beetles, and even weevils, may have taken up residence in your tree. 

Distorted Foliage

Aphids can infect more than just your garden; they’re also known to chew on tree leaves. Trees are sensitive to the saliva that aphids inject while feeding, and as a result, leaves often become puckered or distorted.


If you notice holes that look like they’re surrounded by sawdust in your trees, your tree could be victim to the larvae of a wood-boring insect. Larvae can damage your tree’s vascular system but not allowing it to get water or nutrients, causing the tree to die. 

Tree bark

Sticky Substances

You go to lean against your tree, and your back is covered in a sticky substance. That sticking substance is called honeydew and is a result of insects such as aphids, whiteflies, or scale. 

Stippled Dull Foliage

Have you noticed your foliage has become stippled, yellow, and dry? This might not be the cool weather; mites love to snack on sap, causing foliage to become dull and distorted.

White Spots

White spots on your tree’s twigs, branches, or leaves can be a sign of scale insects, or parasites that feed on internal plant fluids. Scale looks like flat, small specks.

If your trees are falling victim to pest infections, it may be time to call in a pest control Des Moines expert. At Pro Staff, we can help keep your yard in tip-top shape — and that means pest-free. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 to get your no cost, no obligation quote.

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