Preparing for Winter Pest Control

It’s time to break out the parka and snow boots — winter is here! While these months of colder weather are often a nice break from the hot summer months, pests don’t necessarily agree. Colder weather often sends bugs in search of warmth, which they often find by taking up residence in our homes! Here are some of the pests you should keep an eye out for this winter: 

Red bug on a snowy plant

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are slowly becoming a year-round pest, but holiday travel can make their numbers surge in the winter. If you’re traveling this holiday season, inspect your hotel room before unpacking, make use of the luggage rack, and double-check your luggage and clothing once you get home. 

Carpenter Ants

When the weather gets cooler, ants migrate back to their nests. That means if you see a carpenter ant in your home during the winter months, their nest is most likely somewhere within your house. 


Cockroaches thrive in climates at least 50 degrees or warmer. As the temperature dips, some cockroaches die off, while others make their way inside in search of warmth. Cockroaches love moisture, so keep an eye out for these pests in sewers, floor drains, crawl spaces, and basements. 

Two firebugs in grass


Flies are a nuisance in the summer, but the problem can exasperate in the winter when there are no open windows to chase them out of. Keep an eye out for cluster flies, fruit flies, and moth flies. If you notice a few flies hanging around, check for any cracks that could be allowing them to sneak in. 


Generally speaking, spiders are beneficial creatures. They prey and feed on insects such as flies, crickets, and mosquitoes — but that doesn’t mean we want to share our home with them. A pest control prevention plan can help keep spiders out.

No matter the season, no one wants to share their home with pests. Invest in a West Des Moines pest control prevention plan to help safeguard from pests. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 for more information!

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