Creating a Pest-Free Work Environment

It’s time for your company’s weekly meeting. You set out the coffee and doughnuts when you notice someone’s already taken a few nibbles out of this week’s treats. As you look closer, you see a line of ants marching on the counter. As a business owner, the last thing you want is for your business to become infested with pests. Pro Staff has these tips to help you with your commercial pest control Des Moines.

Man sitting at computer

Food Storage

From snack bars to celebratory lunches to eating breakfast at your desk, offices and food go hand-in-hand. Most employees eat one meal, if not two, at work. For an office of 10 employees, that’s 10 lunches, 10 instances of crumbs in the keyboard, 10 chances to invite pests for a job shadow. Properly storing and cleaning up after any food is crucial to keeping the workplace pest-free. Have desk wipes readily available for those who may be having a bite at their desk, and make sure the fridge is emptied out twice a month. 

Waste Disposal

Trash can build up quickly in an office. The same trash can that holds some old paperwork may also hold the remnants of someone’s lunch. Make sure the trash is being taken out at the end of every business day, and if possible, have separate containers for food and paper waste. 

Laptop on desk


Pests aren’t coming to the office to sit in on your very important meeting, they’re looking for food and shelter. Proper food storage and waste disposal can prevent them from getting a meal, and it’s up to your employees from preventing them from finding shelter. Encourage employees to wipe down their desks at the end of every week, to go through files on a regular basis, and to only store snacks in airtight containers.

When you’re running a business, commercial pest control Des Moines is probably the last thing on your mind, but maintaining a pest-free office is dependent on your pest prevention plan. At Pro Staff, we can tackle any of your commercial pest control needs. All of our services, including termite, pest, and mosquito control, are available on a commercial basis. To learn more, just give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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