Identifying Cockroach Eggs

You, unfortunately, know how to identify a cockroach. They’re brown, larger than you would like, and love to crawl away at the first sign of light. Cockroach eggs, on the other hand, aren’t as easy to identify, and eliminating them can be a challenge. Pro-Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, can help you identify and get rid of any cockroach eggs in your home.

Brown cockroach on green leaf

Not So Egg-cellent

While even just one cockroach is too many, female cockroaches lay eggs at an alarming frequency. It’s thought that each female roach is capable of laying 30,000 eggs per year. Eggs are quite small, typically smaller than eight millimeters and brownish in color, though they can be white if just laid. As cockroach eggs age, they tend to harden. A cockroach’s life cycle can be anywhere between 30 and 50 weeks, and because they have the ability to lay thousands of eggs during this time,  keeping an eye out for eggs can prevent you from being overrun by pests.

Dead cockroach on its back

Where to Look

While they look incredibly similar, there are actually several different species of cockroaches. Each species has unique egg-laying techniques, but all species look for the same requirements when laying their eggs: a moist, isolated place, similar to where you would find a cockroach in the first place. This could be anywhere from an interior wall to under your kitchen cabinet. If you’ve spotted a cockroach in your home, check for eggs in these places:

  • Any hole or gap in the wall
  • Anywhere moisture may be pooling, including water heaters, outside hoses, and under the refrigerator
  • Baseboards
  • Laundry piles
  • Sink
  • Trash can or any other food sources

If you find cockroach eggs, it’s safe to assume that you have an infestation on your hands. In this case, it’s best to immediately contact the trusted pest control Des Moines professionals at Pro-Staff. We can help you identify, control, treat, and prevent any cockroach infestations. Our pest prevention program is highly effective and guaranteed to control all crawling insects for one full year. To learn more, give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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