Termite Swarming Season

Termite swarming often looks like something out of science fiction movie — hundreds of termites squeezing through tiny cracks and crevices and into your home. But what appears as a nightmare to us is actually a crucial part of a termite’s lifecycle. Pro-Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, can help you identify signs that termites have swarmed in your home. 

Four wooden planks with small holes


A termite’s lifecycle is dependent on swarming; swarming season is when termites mate and establish new colonies. Once that colony matures, winged reproductives — called swarmers — leave their colony in large groups in order to find a new mate. After swarmers pair up, they then look for a new location to start their colony. 

Swarming Season

Swarming season typically falls anywhere between March and May; however, it can occur anytime on a warm day. Termites will only swarm when their colony has reached an appropriate size and the weather conditions are optimal. Keep an eye out for the following termite species:

  • Eastern Subterranean Termite: This is the most common termite in the United States. They typically infest wood structures.
Overhead shot of a brown wooden floor

Signs of an Infestation

Termite swarms happen very quickly. In fact, a swarm can be as short as 30 minutes. This means, you often won’t see when a colony swarms. Instead, you’ll need to look for other signs of an infestation. Here are the most common signs that termites have infested your home:

  • Discarded wings: Once they mate, termites lose their wings. They can often be found on windowsills, near doors, or around other home-access points.
  • Hollow wood: Because termites eat through wood, they can cause it to sound hollow when you knock on it.
  • Mud tubes: These pencil-sized tubes help termites move around safely.  

Termites are extremely destructive pests. Each year, they cause more than $5 billion in property damage. It’s crucial to make sure your home is protected from termites — no matter the time of year. To guard your home against termites, contact the pest control Des Moines experts at Pro-Staff. We use Termidor, America’s #1 termite defense product, to keep your home safe. To learn more, just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online.

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