Signs of Termites

Termite damage can be costly; in fact, termites are responsible for more than $30 billion in damage to both crops and man-made structures in the United States alone — and it costs the average homeowner roughly $3,000 to repair that damage. Pro-Staff, the experts in West Des Moines pest control, can help you learn to recognize the signs that termites may have invaded your home. 

A pile of wood shavings

Bubbling Paint

If the paint on your walls is bubbling up, it could indicate one of two major issues: termite or water damage. It’s best to have a professional come inspect as quickly as possible. 

Discarded Wings

Often the only clear sign of a termite problem, discarded wings are typically found near points of entry in your home. Check the doors, windowsills, and even in any spiderwebs. 


Frass, also known as termite excrement is a telltale sign of termite infestation. Frass is pellet-shaped and very small, usually about one millimeter long. It can easily be confused for sawdust or wood shavings. 

A pile of sawdust

Head Banging

If you’re hearing a quiet clicking sound coming from your walls, it’s not just your imagination. When the termite colony is at risk, termites will bang their heads against the wall as a warning sign to the colony. To us, that warning sound sounds like faint scratching. 

Hollow Wood

Termites eat wood from the inside out, meaning if there are termites in your home, the walls may sound hollow. A telltale sign can be the appearance of blistering wood. 

Mud Tubes

In order to get to and from their food source to their colony safely, termites build mud tubes. These tunnels are typically pencil-thin and are typically found around your home’s foundation.


Termite swarms are typically the only time a homeowner might actually see termites. Swarming can occur indoors and outdoors and is a sign that you need professional help — as soon as possible. 

Protecting your home from termites can save you a major headache — and a costly renovation. Pro-Staff, experts in West Des Moines pest control, guarantee you 100% control of subterranean termites. To learn more about our termite prevention and treatment services, give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online.

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