Seasons Change — And so Do the Pests!

No matter the season, there’s always a pest trying to make their way inside your home. Pro-Staff can help you stay on top of pest control Des Moines in every season with these helpful tips and tricks.

Closeup of a fly on the petal of a flower


Winter weather is perfect for bundling up against the fire to escape those extra snowy days and, unfortunately, pests agree. Colder temperatures and snowy conditions send pests in search of a warm shelter, and that warm shelter is typically your home. Winter pests include lady beetles, box elder beetles, and stink bugs. The best way to keep pests out of your home when the weather gets cooler is by repairing any cracks, keeping food properly stored, and regularly cleaning your home.


As the weather warms, pests come out of wherever they bundled up in the winter and mating season begins. While winter is typically a dormant time for pests, spring is when they become most active. This is a great time to take steps towards pest-proofing your home. Clean out your gutters, repair any windows or screen doors, and contact a professional to help stop an infestation before it starts. 

Closeup of flies on a blade of grass


When summer hits, so do the bug bites. Pests love the sunny afternoons almost as much as we do. Keep an eye out for ticks, wasps, and mosquitoes during the warmer months. Take the extra time to put on bug spray 15 minutes before going outside, and work with a pest control company to keep your yard free of insects. 


As the weather begins to cool down, pest activity typically swindles. Use this break in activity to protect your home from any pests seeking shelter for the winter. Walk the perimeter of your home to ensure that there are no cracks in the foundation, regularly take out your trash, and keep any wood piles as far away from the home as possible. 

When it comes to Des Moines pest control, there’s only so much that you can do yourself. By working with the professionals at Pro-Staff, you can prepare your home for any season — and prevent pests from inviting themselves inside. To learn more about the services we offer, including bed bug, termite, mosquito, and pest control, give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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