Spring Cleaning

Springtime has finally arrived, and it’s time to get your house protected against those pesky spring bugs! Since it’s spring, all the bugs have come out from their hiding spots and are ready to raid your home. To prevent this, cleaning out your home is the best and easiest tactic. The pest control Des Moines team at Pro-Staff has come up with tips that will help you clean and protect your home against any bug invaders.

Vacuuming up glitter

Interior Deep Cleaning

When cleaning your home, make sure that you pay special attention to your kitchen, bathroom, and basement. These three locations are the main hub of activity when it comes to bugs. Making sure you clean every nook and cranny is vital to any of your pest prevention efforts. Since pests are attracted to moisture, locate any possible water source that might attract them. Common water sources for pests can be located under sinks or toilet pipes, where there could be possible leakage. Ensuring that you eliminate any water sources will help keep pests away. 

Lawn mower mowing green grass

Exterior Deep Cleaning

After you have cleaned the inside of your house, move your focus to the exterior. Take careful inventory of anything that has been damaged over the winter months. Anything ranging from your roof tiles to your lawn could attract unwanted pests. If you find that there’s a hole in your roof or even mold on your wall, don’t hesitate to call a professional. Be sure to check for any dead tree stumps, unkempt shrubs, and mulch around your house; they’re commonly known to attract termites to your home.

Start your spring cleaning early, and protect your home from the incoming swarm of bugs. An effective pest prevention plan will make your home a fortress against pests. Pro-Staff, experts in pest control Des Moines, can help make sure your home is protected this spring. To learn more, just give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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