What Happens After a Bed Bug Infestation?

You spotted the bed bugs, and you recently had your home treated for Des Moines bed bug removal. But what happens after the treatment? Are the bed bugs just… gone? Can you clean right away, or is there a specific amount of time you should wait? Pro-Staff can help walk you through what happens after a bed bug infestation.

Picture of a striped duvet cover on a bed.

Treatment Results

After a professional bed bug treatment, you may expect immediate results. In reality, treatments can take several weeks, or up to 21 days, to take full effect. This means while you may desperately want to take the time to clean your home, cleaning can actually lower the effectiveness of the treatment. It’s recommended to wait a full 30 days before cleaning the floors, bottom foot of walls, or walls next to any appliances. 

The same goes for the soft surfaces in your home. You may be eager to shampoo the carpet and steam the couch, but this can also have a negative impact on treatment. Wait 30 days before deep cleaning any of the soft surfaces in your home, including carpets, rugs, curtains, and any upholstered furniture like a couch. However, during this 30-day period, feel free to vacuum as much as you want; just be sure to dump out the canister after each use.

Picture of pillows on a bed.


You may be wondering exactly what you can clean after treatment. While you can also vacuum, it’s recommended to wipe down any horizontal surfaces, such as dining tables, kitchen counters, coffee tables, and stovetops, immediately following treatment. Do this using soap and warm water. You can also change anything that is soft and removable. This means couch covers, linens, comforters, stuffed animals, pillows, and clothes. These should all be washed and dried at the highest temperature possible. If possible, leave these items for two hours in a dryer set to the highest heat setting.

At Pro-Staff, we specialize in Des Moines bed bug removal. If you have any questions about cleaning your house after a treatment, just give us a call at (515) 279-7378. We are more than happy to go over any follow-up care in order to make sure your home stays pest-free.

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