Clothing Pests

As you go to put on your favorite sweater, you notice tiny holes speckled along the bottom hem. You wonder how your washer possibly managed that and grab your second favorite sweater — only to find holes in the armpit. Immediately, you think moths have set up shop inside of your closet. However, moths aren’t the only known sweater-eaters. Plenty of other pests love to feed on organic materials. Pro-Staff, your trusted experts in West Des Moines pest control, can help you figure out what’s treating your closet like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Close up of shirts in a closet

Carpet Beetles

While you may think carpet beetles only love carpet, they actually love feasting on any natural fibers. Female carpet beetles lay roughly 100 soft eggs at one time and will do so in your clothing, furniture, or even cracks in the flooring. Once those eggs hatch, you’re faced with 100 hungry larvae — who all want to snack on your laundry. The best way to get rid of a carpet beetle infestation is by vacuuming. Vacuum spots such as air ducts, closets, and baseboards.


While cockroaches may not feast on your clothes, they can ruin them. Cockroaches are known to leave stains and damage clothing, and because they’re attracted to food and body stains, your laundry pile is a slice of heaven to them. Cleaning and sanitizing your closet, removing any soiled clothing, and regular vacuuming can all prevent a cockroach infestation. 


Because crickets are attracted to body soil, food and beverage stains, and laundry starch, they’re more than ready to make themselves at home in your closet. Cricket damage is most common on clothes that are dried outside.

Closeup of shirts folded in a drawer


Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the adult moths that feed on your clothes — it’s their larvae. Depending on humidity, temperature, and food availability, larvae will feed anywhere from five weeks to up to two years. Mothballs and cedar blocks can help keep moths out of your closet.


If silverfish have infested your home, nothing is off-limits. From books to natural fibers, they love to snack their way through your belongings. To get rid of silverfish, reduce food sources, water sources, and shelter.

If you’re noticing damage to your clothing but can’t figure out the culprit, give Pro-Staff, the experts in West Des Moines pest control, a call at (515) 279-7378. Our eight-step pest control program will keep all crawling insects out of your home for one full year.

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