Choosing the Best Pest Control Company for Your Needs

When it comes to pest control, it’s best to work with a pest control Ankeny expert. Professional pest control can prevent an infestation, and technicians have commercial-grade pesticides available to them that DIY approaches can simply not compete with. However, when looking for pest control, it’s important to work with a reputable company. Consider the following when hiring a pest control professional.

Brown beetle perched in grass

The Company

The company that you work with should be insured to protect both your property and against liability. When you visit the company’s website, ask yourself if it looks professional and appears knowledgeable. A reputable company will ensure that all of their technicians are properly trained. This includes both licensing and certification. 


Before hiring any professional, it’s always recommended to do your research. Check to see if the company has a history with the Better Business Bureau, as well as check Yelp and Google reviews to see how other customers’ experiences have been. 

Green beetle on grass


When shopping for pest control, price should not be your main concern. Look for a company that offers a guarantee on their pest control services. That means if you, at any point during the contract terms, experience a reinfestation, they will come out and retreat at no extra cost to you.


Before entering an agreement, talk with your chosen pest control company about eradicating any pest infestation and establishing a prevention plan. Do you need quarterly coverage, or is the monthly service recommended? Before you’re given a quote, a technician should inspect your home with a professional eye to establish a treatment plan.


When having any pest control service performed, you want to be sure that you will be provided a report that details what was performed and any follow-up action that you should take. Most importantly, this report should also clearly detail all service costs.

When searching for a pest control Ankeny expert, be sure to look for one that can handle all of your pest control needs. At Pro-Staff, we handle general pest control, bed bug control, mosquito control, and termites, as well as offer commercial services. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 to learn more about our services. 

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