Gypsy Moths

Gypsy moths pose a serious threat to both trees and shrubs — and their larvae are insatiable eaters. A single caterpillar can eat about a square foot of tree leaves in one day. A gypsy moth infestation can seriously damage your trees, even stripping them entirely of their leaves in just a few days. Pro-Staff, an exterminator in Des Moines, can help you identify the signs of a gypsy moth infestation.

Closeup of a gypsy moth


Gypsy moths have four developmental stages, all of which look slightly different: egg, caterpillar or larva, pupa, and adult moth. If you believe you have these destructive pests in your yard, keep an eye out for these signs:

  • Egg: Female gypsy moths lay anywhere from 500 to 1000 eggs. Eggs can be anywhere from tan to yellowish in color, have a teardrop shape, and can be hairy in appearance. Look for gypsy moth eggs on tree trunks, your home’s siding, and any outdoor furniture.
  • Caterpillars: Fully grown caterpillars are about two inches in length and have an incredibly hairy appearance. Their backs are dotted with six pairs of red dots following five pairs of blue dots. 
  • Pupa: Gypsy moths pupate for roughly two weeks. During this time, they encase themselves in a dark brown, shell-like case that is roughly two inches long and covered with hair. You will find them in tree park crevices or even leaf litter.
  • Moths: Male moths are brown in color, have antennae, and can fly, while female moths are larger in size, cream color, and cannot fly. 
Gypsy moth on a log


Healthy trees can withstand an attack from gypsy moths, so it’s important to keep the trees in your yard in great condition. Be sure that you are watering, fertilizing, and pruning them on a regular basis. Regularly inspect for all signs of gypsy moths. If you are able to find them in their egg form, you can prevent your trees from becoming infested.

The best way to control any pest infestation is by having a pest prevention plan in place. Pro-Staff, an exterminator in Des Moines, can help you protect your yard against pests of all kinds. To learn more about our services, give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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