Home Improvement and Pest Control

The last thing you want to find when you start a home improvement project is a pest infestation. By following these preventative measures before you start your next project, you can prevent a nasty surprise. 

Close up of a red ant on dirt

Seal Windows

Open gaps or holes in your windows are a welcome sight for bugs. Before you start any big home improvement project, inspect your windows for signs of damage, including cracks or holes. Check each window screen to make sure it is fully intact and does not have any rips. Once you’ve confirmed that your window is in excellent condition, clean each window and screen and apply a moisture-resistant caulk. This will help ensure the frame is properly sealed and keep bugs out. 

Trim Trees

If you’re working in the yard, you may be paying more attention to your garden beds or lawn, but overgrown trees act as a bridge from your yard to your home. Pests and rodents will jump from longer tree branches to the roof. Once they’re on the roof, they will try to find their way into your house. Work with a professional to ensure that all of your trees are properly trimmed.

Spider hanging from a web

Spring Cleaning

Pests are less likely to find a food source in a clean house. Use any home improvement time as an opportunity to do some spring cleaning. Vacuum floors, wipe out trash cans, wipe down cupboards, and check any indoor houseplants for signs of infestation. Regularly deep cleaning of your home can go a long way in the fight against pests. 


Any cracks or holes along the exterior of your home could be the cause of any pest infestation woes. Whenever you’re doing a big home improvement project, walk the perimeter of your home to ensure that there are no holes that need to be sealed. 

Home improvement projects are a great way to discover a pest control issue that you didn’t know you have. To properly protect your home against pests, work with Pro-Staff, the experts in pest control Des Moines, to develop a pest prevention plan. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 to get started on your no-cost, no-obligation quote!

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