Preparing Your Home for Summer Pests

Most of us accept that bugs are unavoidable. While it’s frustrating to find ants on your counter or be bitten by a mosquito while you’re barbecuing in your backyard, pests are just a part of everyday life — except they don’t have to be! With the proper preventative measures, your home (and your summer) can be pest-free.

Red ants on a leaf


Spring cleaning sets you up for summer success. Be sure to thoroughly clean both inside and outside of your home to prevent bugs!

Indoor Cleaning

When’s the last time you took inventory of your pantry? That moldy bread or slightly open bag of rice could be encouraging pests to take up residence in your home. Going room-by-room, thoroughly clean and sort through all of your belongings. This is an excellent time to clear out any crumbs, wipe down each and every surface, spot any moisture issues, and look for signs of an infestation.

Outdoor Cleaning

Your yard could be encouraging pests to camp out. Get rid of any standing water, a mosquito breeding ground, that may have accumulated, checking flowerpots, gutters, birdbaths, and bird feeders. Clear out any piles of brush or leaves that could be harboring insects. Trim back any branches or bushes that are directly touching your house, which could act as a bridge for pests to make their way inside. Walk around your property and inspect every window screen or screen door for holes and tears that pests may see as an open invitation to come inside.

Mosquito on a green leaf

Pest Prevention

In addition to regular cleaning, a pest prevention program can help keep insects out of your home. At Pro-Staff, our highly effective program uses eight steps to control all crawling insects.

  • Step One: Ant and cockroach baits are placed outside of your home in strategic places, including woodpiles and mulch sites.
  • Step Two: Formulated granular repellent is applied to the soil and plants surrounding your home.
  • Step Three: A liquid insect repellent is applied around your home’s door frames, windows, and eaves.
  • Step Four: A baited rodent station is placed at the exterior of your home.
  • Step Five: Baited granules are placed in your attic or any other crack or crevice that an insect may hide.
  • Step Six: A special granular bait is injected in the spaces between your home’s walls.
  • Step Seven: Baits are placed in strategic areas inside your home, including under your oven, refrigerator, or other major appliances.
  • Step Eight: A residual bait is applied in strategic areas, such as behind large pieces of furniture.

At Pro-Staff, a pest control company located in Des Moines, we want you to be able to enjoy your summer — pest free. Learn more about our services or contact us for your no-cost, no-obligation estimate at (515) 279-7378.

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