Kitchen Ants

Between the crumbs, spilled drinks, and leftovers, your kitchen is a prime location for attracting ants. An ant infestation isn’t just annoying. Ants can contaminate any food you have in your home, including pet food. However, there are plenty of steps you can take to keep your kitchen ant-free.

Red ant on the ground

Seal Entryways

Because ants are so tiny, it is unlikely that you will be able to seal every possible entryway they have into your home. However, by sealing entryways, you can make it difficult for ants to make their way into your kitchen. Seek out all entryways, including cracks and seams in walls and the foundation and gaps in window frames. Inspect all screens, including window screens and door screens, to make sure they are in good condition and free of holes. To discourage ants from crawling in by sneaking under doors, install door sweeps on every exterior door in your home. 

Protect Food in Ant-Proof Containers

Ants are making their way inside your home in search of one thing: a food source. When they find a food source, they make their way back to the colony and tell their friends. Making your food inaccessible to ants is a great way to discourage them from infesting your home. Store food in airtight plastic or glass containers, which will be more secure than a bag and a chip clip. Foods that cannot be easily stored in airtight containers should be stored in the fridge.

Clean Regularly

To us, crumbs and spills are a mess to clean up later. To ants, crumbs and spills are their next meal. Keeping your kitchen as clean as possible ensures that you are leaving ants without a food source. Regularly wipe down the counters after each meal, do the dishes daily, and be sure to sweep and mop the floor. Crumbs can get trapped underneath your oven or refrigerator, so be sure to sweet underneath appliances as well. 

Ant on a yellow flower

Spotting Ants

If you do spot ants in your kitchen, take care to clean any surface they may have come into contact with. Ants create a scent trail that guides members of their colony to food sources. Vinegar, lemon juice, or dish soap can all be used to eliminate these scent trails.

To properly protect your kitchen and the rest of your home against ants, consider investing in a pest prevention plan from Pro-Staff, located in Ankeny. Just give us a call at (515) 279-7378 for your no-cost, no-obligation, in-home estimate. 

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