Mosquito Control

Summertime is finally here! After months of snowy winter weather and refreshing spring days, it’s time to soak in the summer sun and make splash in the pool. Unfortunately, we’re not the only ones who have been looking forward to summer. Mosquitoes have also been waiting for these long summer days. But with the proper prevention, you can eliminate mosquitoes from your property.

Mosquito on a green leaf

Standing Water

Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water, or water that is stagnant on your property. Standing water creates the ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of the water, where the eggs then mature. Standing water includes water that collects in flower pots, birdbaths, and even the puddles you find on your lawn after a thunderstorm. Taking steps to prevent standing water from collecting around your home can greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property.

  1. Circulate any water found in pools, ponds, and birdbaths.
  2. Clean gutters regularly.
  3. Eliminate any water that accumulates in trash cans, flower pots, or other containers on your property.
  4. Level your lawn in order to eliminate uneven areas that allow water to pool. 

Hiding Spots

Because mosquitoes are most active between dusk and dawn, they need a place to hide during the day. Mosquitoes prefer to hide in dark and humid places, so you might find mosquitoes underneath your porch, under any outdoor furniture, or in thick foliage found on your property. By treating these areas with insecticide, you can eliminate mosquitoes. 

Mosquito on a green branch

Natural Remedies

There are plenty of plants that you can place around your yard to help repel mosquitoes. Some of these plants include lavender, beer balm, and citronella, as well as plenty of tasty herbs like basil, garlic, rosemary, and sage. 

Bug Spray

Though you can eliminate mosquitoes from your property, it’s still recommended to wear an EPA-registered bug spray when you’re headed outside. Look for bug sprays that contain either IR3535, DEET, OLE, Picaridin, or PMD.

Along with preventative measures, a mosquito protection plan can help ensure that your property remains mosquito-free this summer. At Pro-Staff, our treatment program reduces 90% of mosquitoes in 24 to 48 hours through iCap technology. Learn more about our Des Moines mosquito control by giving us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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