Controlling Pests in Your Shed

No one wants to walk into their shed to grab the watering can and find it swarming with ants. Your shed doesn’t have to be a dark, dusty place with pests hiding in every corner. With a few preventative measures, you can bug-proof your shed. 

Workbench in a shed

Keeping Bugs Out

It just takes a few steps to keep bugs out of your shed. With these preventative measures, you can keep your shed pest-free.

Seal the Cracks

Bugs can make their way into your shed through gaps in the floor. Be sure to seal any cracks or gaps in your shed with construction caulk. This same rule goes for the shed of your roof. By sealing any holes, you can prevent wasps and yellow jackets from building their nests on the roof.

Move Your Garbage

While it’s common to store your trash near your shed, this could be what’s inviting pests to make their way inside. From the smell to a free snack, garbage can invite not only pests but rodents into your shed. Store your garbage in airtight containers to help keep pests out of your trash — and your shed. If you’re storing any food, such as birdseed or pet food, be sure to seal these in airtight containers as well. 

Macro shot of an ant

Upgrade Your Shed

Unfortunately, not every shed is up to the task of keeping pests out. If your shed has seen its days, it may be time for an upgrade.

Standing Water

Standing water is a breeding ground for many pests, including mosquitoes. Clear out any standing water to prevent pests from gathering near your shed.

At Pro-Staff Pest Control, a pest control company located in Des Moines, we use a highly effective 8-step pest control program that is guaranteed to control all crawling insects, including roaches, mice, ants, and more, for one full year. Our program places baits in strategic locations, utilizes a formulated granular repellent, and places baited rodent stations around your home in order to keep pests and rodents out. Learn more about our highly effective pest control program by giving us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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