Tree Trimming and Pests

Trimming your trees is crucial for them to grow. Just like the vegetables, fruits, and flowers in your garden, trimming your trees encourages them to grow by cutting off any dead spots so new life has the chance to form. Along with growth, tree trimming is also an effective form of Des Moines pest control.

Looking up at a tree

Overgrown Trees

While you may appreciate your shaded lawn, trees that touch the side or roof of your home can make your house susceptible to pest damage. Think of the tree branch as a bridge; pests, such as ants and termites, will use it to find easy access inside your home. Though your roof is great at keeping leaks out, it most likely has small cracks and crevices near the eave that pests are able to work their way through. Each tree branch that touches your home acts as a point of entry. It is crucial that at all times, any trees or bushes are at least six to 12 inches away from your home. 

Looking through tree branches

Tree Trimming

By regularly monitoring the trees on your property, tree trimming can become a mundane chore rather than a project that calls for an entire weekend of your time. Here’s what you need to know about tree trimming:


Tree branches do what they want, meaning they grow in every which way. To prevent tree branches from growing at odd angles, trim them at a 2 o’clock or 10 o’clock angle. 

Move Bushes

Unless you are a dedicated gardener who will be out pruning every day, large bushes just create a shelter for insects and rodents. To spruce your home up with greenery, plant smaller flowers near the foundation. Smaller plants will make it easier to spot signs of insect activity.


While you want to be sure that you’re keeping branches away from your home, be careful to not overtrim. Overtrimming can cause your plants to stop growing and possibly die.

While trimming your trees can help pests from making the leap inside of your home, the only true way to prevent pests is with a proper pest control program. Pro-Staff, located in Des Moines, offers a highly effective 8-step pest control program that can control all crawling insects. To learn more about our services, give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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