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Pet-Friendly Pest Control

From cats and dogs to fish and hamsters, pets make up some of our most important family members. During pest control treatments, we know to protect our children from touching anything that may be toxic, but what about our pets? Though most pest control treatments are safe for pets, it’s still important to take the time to speak with your technician about ensuring a safe, pet-friendly treatment. 

Grey kitten standing on back legs

Ask Questions

Before scheduling your pest control treatment, speak with a technician about what the treatment consists of. Let the technician know that you have pets in your home, and confirm that the pest control treatment is pet-friendly or ask if there are any pet-friendly treatment options that can be performed instead. A reliable company will be able to answer any questions you have and work with you in order to ensure the health and safety of your furry family members.

Be Careful With DIY Treatments

If you find yourself wanting to perform a DIY pest control treatment, be sure to read the product label carefully. All pest control treatment products should have a safety warning about use with both children and pets around. If the product does not have a safety warning, we recommend using a different product or calling a professional. 

Dog in yard

Be Safe

Once you’ve confirmed that a pest control treatment is pet-friendly, it’s still better to be safe than sorry. During treatment, take your pets outside. If that is not possible, confine them in a location, such as a bathroom, where treatment does not need to be performed. In order to ensure your pets’ utmost safety, we recommend giving the treatment about one to two hours to dry before letting your pets back inside. During the treatment, remove any pet bedding, toys, food, and water from the treatment areas. For pets kept in cages, such as snakes, birds, or hamsters, use a clean sheet or towel to cover their tank. Again, we recommend removing these pets from the pest control treatment area. 

At Pro-Staff, we want to keep your entire family safe during a Des Moines pest control treatment — that includes any furry friends who call your house home. To learn more about our pet-friendly pest control treatments, give our technicians a call at (515) 279-7378.

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