‘Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite’


Have you ever found yourself waking up in the morning with mysterious red marks on your body? Or how about a sudden itch that doesn’t quite feel like a mosquito bite? These might be indicators of bed bugs inside your home. 

What are Bed Bugs?

The common bed bug is a small, oval, reddish brown insect that feeds on human blood. They’re found in furniture, such as couches and beds, where they can get to humans quite easily. Since bed bugs are nocturnal, they might not be visible in the morning when you wake up trying to figure out what those tiny marks are. They crawl out at night — leaving their signature little bites — and then recede back into the crevices on the bed or couch to lie in wait for another human interaction. Pro Staff’s professionals are experts in recognizing the presence of bed bugs, so you won’t have to keep guessing about what you’re experiencing after an uncomfortable night of sleep. 

How do you Get Bed Bugs? 

Bed bugs are travelers, usually hitching a ride in a purse, suitcase, backpack, or some other dark, fabric, environment to reach their new destination. The bed bugs’ tendency to be mobile puts nearly all human travelers at risk of experiencing them. If you have recently had visitors to your home, or have just gotten back from a trip, this could be how the bed bugs snuck their way in. 

The Harms of Bed Bugs 

Bed bugs come out at night because it is the perfect opportunity for them to feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals, like people. However, bed bugs don’t like the hassle of rummaging through hair or fur to get to their prey’s skin, so you may find that they are biting a nearly hairless part of your body. Bed bugs bite in rows or clusters, making multiple tiny red bumps on the skin. In some cases, the bodily reaction to the bed bugs’ saliva could result in an itching or burning feeling, both of which are extremely unpleasant. 

How to Deal With Bed Bugs 

Although humans have tried for years to create home remedies to seek out the little pests on their own, there is no solution proven to be as successful as professional treatment. Bed bugs hide incredibly well, making it very difficult to come across one if you’re not a professional. If your infestation started with only a few bugs, the potential for quick reproduction is immense. Female bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs in their lifetimes, so it’s essential to exterminate them as soon as possible before the infestation gets out of control. Get your sleep; and your daily life back on track by calling Pro Staff today to deal with bed bugs and other pests.

Dealing with bed bugs? Call Pro Staff at 515-279-PEST (7378).

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