Pest-Proof Your Home in the Winter

Fortunately for homeowners, most pests do not thrive in the harsh conditions of Des Moines winter. However, some will make their way into homes in an effort to stay warm and escape the snow. You are not totally out of the woods in terms of pest control, but by taking these steps, you should be able to avoid an infestation:

Seal Entry Points

Rodents and bugs may not be big thinkers, but they are creative and determined when it comes to figuring out how to enter a home. Therefore, the first step to avoiding household pests is to seal all possible entry points. This ranges from cracks and holes in the walls and windows to weatherstripping under the doors. The more sealed up your house, the less likely it is you’ll be seeing pests. There is also the added benefit of better insulation and airflow, meaning your heater won’t have to work quite as hard on cold winter nights. 

Store Items Securely

Now that the holiday season is over, it’s time to put away your decorations. Be mindful of how you pack up your decorations. Tightly sealed plastic or rubber bins are better than cardboard boxes that attract roaches. No matter what type of box you use, store your decorations on a shelf rather than on the floor, where pests have easy access. If you want to go the extra mile to avoid pests, consider moving items in your kitchen from unsealed bags and cardboard boxes to mason jars or plastic containers. 

Be Mindful with Firewood

Firewood is great at helping us keep warm in the winter, and unfortunately, it also excels at attracting pests. Roaches, wasps, ants and many other types of bugs like to live under wood. Some even lay eggs in firewood, so you may find them crawling inside when cutting into the wood. There are steps you can take to avoid attracting these pests. Start by storing your wood at least 20 feet away from your home and 5 feet off the ground on a rack or platform. Before bringing firewood back inside, make sure to inspect it for signs of bug infestation.

Maintain Outdoor Plants

While the plants in your yard provide benefits like beauty, shade, and clean air, they can attract pests if not properly maintained. Make sure tree branches are trimmed at least 6 feet from your home. Otherwise, they can become an easy jumping-off point for squirrels and rodents. Keep shrubbery trimmed so it does not become the perfect nesting area for local wildlife. The more you maintain your lawn and garden, the less chance you will have of pest problems. 

Most pests go away for the winter, but there are some persistent pests that enter homes seeking solace from the Des Moines winter weather. If you find yourself with a winter pest control problem, our team at Pro-Staff can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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