Tips for Getting Rid of Rodents

mouse trap with cheese

During the harsh, cold winter months, mice and rats seek warmth. The easiest place for rodents to find warm shelter is in human homes. Whether they enter the attic or find their way in through the garage, these creatures can wreak havoc on houses. Like in all areas of pest control, rodent prevention is the best way to steer clear of problems. Here are our recommendations if you find you’ve got a rodent issue: 

Set Traps Correctly

Mouse traps are the most common way to handle a mouse infestation. This is also the method in which people make the most mistakes. First, make sure to set more than one trap. Even if you only hear one mouse or rat, chances are, more than one are scurrying around. Start with about a dozen, and try different types of bait. Cheese is a stereotypical favorite, but try alternatives like chocolate, peanut butter and oatmeal. Try securing the bait with hot glue to make sure the rodents don’t run away with treats instead of getting trapped. Place the traps anywhere you see signs of rodents, such as droppings and greasy marks on the wall.

window on old house

Seal Entry Points

Rodents can’t infest your home if they can’t get inside. Unfortunately, they are particularly creative when it comes to finding their way in. Even the smallest gaps in walls and floors, around vents, and on window sills can allow these critters access. Look around your home for possible entry points, and seal them with caulk, steel wool and weatherstripping. 

mason jar breakfasts

Keep the Interior and Exterior Clean

Cleaning up will not scare away existing rodents, but it will help to prevent future infestations. On the inside of your home, keep food tightly sealed in airtight containers. Rodents can smell dried food like cereal and pet food once they’re open, sometimes even before. On the outside, maintain your plants by taking steps like pruning shrubbery and tending the garden. Plants tend to attract pests, and ones that are close to your home can be easy jumping off points for rodents. 

Call the Pros

If nothing you’ve tried is working, or if setting traps makes you feel squeamish, leave it to the professionals. Make sure you are dealing with licensed pest control technicians like our team at Pro-Staff. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online if you find yourself in need of our services.

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