How Bed Bugs Find Your Business

clothes sweaters

Bed bugs don’t travel far on their own since they’re unable to fly. Instead, they go by way of people’s things, especially items made of cloth. If you run a hotel or manage properties, bed bugs are almost a forgone conclusion that you should always be checking for. However, bed bugs don’t only live in beds. They also live in other furniture, clothes and more. Here are some of the ways bed bugs can find your business:


While bed bugs don’t travel directly on people, they do find their way into people’s clothes. By doing this, they manage to get to new places undetected. This means bed bugs can go just about anywhere. If your business has seating, especially cloth seating, make sure to check it periodically for bed bugs. If people stay at your business overnight, be sure rooms are thoroughly checked for bed bugs between guests. 



Some hotel rooms don’t have a lot of space. This causes guests to place suitcases on beds to unpack and leave them there, rather than using proper storage on luggage racks and closet shelves. While you might hope people would inspect their luggage before bringing it to your hotel, that tends to be low on the priority list. Between guests, make sure your cleaning staff checks for signs of bed bugs. Because they can travel within walls and through floor and ceiling openings, an infestation in one room can quickly spread to others.



Bed bugs are most widely known for infesting beds. However, they’re just as happy finding their way into any furniture, especially if it’s made of cloth. Buying second-hand furniture for your business can save money, but if you’re not careful, it could cost you more than you bargained for in bed bug treatments. Before purchasing that great antique couch that would be perfect for your business, check it thoroughly for signs of bed bugs and other pest damage. The last thing you want to do is bring in a pest infestation.  

Signs of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are sneaky creatures, so the first sign of bed bugs tends to be bed bug bites. These bites appear in small clusters, and there are usually several that appear at the same time. By the time you start seeing bed bug bites, you most likely have a full-blown infestation. Check for molted bed bug shells in hidden crevices and small rust-colored stains on furniture and sheets. These bugs have become immune to certain pesticides, and the infestation is usually worse than it looks. If you see these signs, it’s time to call a professional.

If bed bugs are biting your customers, reach out to the Des Moines bed bug control experts at Pro-Staff. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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