Why DIY Methods Don’t Kill Bed Bugs

spray bottle diy

Bed bugs are tricky creatures. They build homes quickly in hidden corners and bite us when we’re sleeping. These bugs are not only great at hiding and spreading; they also resist certain pesticides. With this in mind, it’s clear to see why DIY methods may not be the best approach to getting rid of an infestation. Here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t try DIY methods if you have bed bugs:

Infestations Spread Quickly

Getting rid of bed bugs and keeping them out is not a simple one-step process. Bed bug treatments need to address every stage of a bed bug’s life cycle, which can be overwhelming for someone who’s not a trained professional. While you’re trying to figure out the best DIY methods, bed bugs will continue to spread, quickly creating a bigger problem.

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Inspections are Necessary

Most people determine that they have bed bugs based on bite marks showing up overnight. However, there are several types of bugs that can bite when you’re sleeping. Flea bites are commonly mistaken for bed bug bites, and these bugs won’t go away with bed bug treatments. Having a professional who knows where to look inspect your home for bed bugs will help guide you to the proper treatment methods.  

Requires Multiple Methods

Bed bugs are tricky to get rid of because they require different types of treatment at every stage of their life cycle. Since they tend to nest in the home, bed bugs at every stage of life will be crawling around. These bugs resist certain pesticides that were previously used to treat them. When using different treatment methods simultaneously, you need to be careful not to create a toxic environment for pets or humans. There are guidelines to follow, and not following them to the letter can have serious consequences.

Overall Cost

While DIY pest control methods appear to be the inexpensive option, they often end up costing more than professional services. These methods can make the issue worse, along with allowing an infestation to spread. Due to the expertise needed to kill bed bugs and keep them out, use of DIY methods typically ends in a phone call to the pest control company. If you see signs of bed bugs, call the professionals for a bed bug inspection. 

If bed bugs are biting you or your loved ones, the first step you should take is reaching out to the Des Moines bed bug control experts at Pro-Staff. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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